First we learned about being Kind for Letter K.
I had each child think of ways to be Kind and then we wrote it on a feather and made our Kindness Turkey look pretty.
Then I read the book, that I meant to take a picture of, but you can kind of see it behind the turkey. It is called "3 young pilgrims" and talks about some pilgrim children on their journey from England all the way to the first Thanksgiving.
I showed them some pumpkins, squash and Indian Corn, which they all got very attached to and brought with them the rest of the day.
Then we pretended we were the pilgrims and we had to pack food and get on a boat. We sailed to America (the park) and found Native Americans (which we turned into). We snuck around the playground barefoot (hope you all don't mind, Lucy really equates barefoot with Indian).
Then we pretended to meet and the Native Americans showed us how to plant crops and grow things. Once they grew we had a feast!
Then we had some free play. They pretended they were Indians the whole time and brought their corn with them everywhere. It was funny to me how into it they were!
When we got back to the house, I taught them about hieroglyphics and how the Native Americans wrote stories. We made our own story. Each child got to think of part of it...Here is how the story goes (sorry you will have to crane your neck, I am too lazy to rotate)
"There was a horse who galloped over the mountains. Then we went home. Later he found a feather and then he found the bird and gave it back to him. The end"
We finished by making hand turkeys. I traced each child's hand and then they colored the fingers for feathers. I was so into my art that I forgot to take any pictures of them! We are probably all better off for that, because my artistic abilities are about equal to the children. This way we can imagine they looked really good. Fun fun fun!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!