We started off this week with learning the letter "P". The kids enjoying shouting the "P" word right after I'd say it. I'd shout "pumpkin!" and everyone would shout "pumpkin!" We thought of tons and tons of "P" words. Pets, pineapple, pictures, princess, peas, play, peacock, pigeon, pink, purple, paper, pancakes...etc. Whew!
Our word this week was "Positive". I was happy to hear that when Lucy left on Tuesday, she bumped her head and told her mom that she was not going to cry because she was going to be positive! Yay Lucy! Just so the parents know...I did explain that being positive meant being happy, even when things get hard, like when we get hurt. I didn't want the kids to think that crying is unacceptable or something because sometimes things hurt really bad and it's ok to cry. :)
We learned about boots and mittens today. Kind of funny teaching these lessons about cold weather when it rarely gets that cold around here! Haha
We read a book called "The Mitten" that we got from the library and then had snacks. Then we played a boot matching game, a word game, a boot hiding game, and a snowball game.
The kids eating their "P" snacks (we had pineapple, popcorn and pickles! And their faces look funny here because I said "Everyone say popcorn!" Haha):
Here's Ethan playing our boot matching game:
Here's Lucy who just found my boot during our "hide the boot" game:
Here's London playing our "throw the snowball into the bucket" game:
Ethan throwing the snowball:
Lucy throwing a snowball:
And Mason having a turn:
Our word of the week:
We had some free time. Mason and London happily played together:
Lucy found a baby to play with:
Ethan found some airplanes to play with:

Oh I have to mention a few things. While the kids were eating their snacks, I asked them some questions just for fun. I like asking Mason questions like these and hearing what his answers are so I tried it out on everyone.
First, I asked everyone what their favorite color is.
Mason: "Red and blue." (They were the colors on his monster trucks that he was holding.)
London: "All colors!"
Lucy: "Pink and purple."
Ethan: "White." (He was wearing a shirt with grey and white stripes.)
Second, I asked what everyone's favorite food is.
Mason: "Pineapple." (We were eating pineapple for our snack.)
London: "All food!"
Lucy: "All food!"
Ethan: "Popcorn." (Another snack we were eating.)
Third, I asked what everyone's favorite animal is.
Mason: "Dinosaurs!"
London: "All animals!"
Lucy: "Baby horses and baby ponies."
Ethan: "Horses."
Last, I asked everyone what they want to be when they grow up.
Mason: "A dad."
Ethan: "Clark" (That made me laugh)
Lucy: "A surfer!"
London: "A surfer dude!"
Our kids are so cute. :)