So....Joy school today was wild. Haha We studied the fall colored trees and talked about the weather changing. We had sharing time. Everyone brought something to share except for Lucy, so we improvised. She had a beautiful braid in her hair so she shared that and the kids loved it. When we do sharing at my house, i have the kids get up, share, and then we pass the sharing around so we can feel it or get a closer look at it and the kids love that. They all feel more involved that way. My son conrad is also here this week, so we went around the circle and everyone told him their names and he told them his.
We had a little dance party to get things started. It was going well till Jack fell and bumped his crown....haha couldnt resist. He also hit his arm so we all gathered around to make sure he was ok and to let him know he was loved.
Then we went to the kitchen and talked about fruit and veggies. They all got a picture of an apple to color. They had fun with that. It was pretty cute. We were down one chair, so, as i was getting another one for conrad, lucy scoots over on her chair and says he can share with me...looking at him with her big doe eyes. haha Conrad declined and wanted his own chair. Ethan was watching the whole thing. It was pretty funny! I wish someone else was here to see it.
After coloring our pictures, we had the main event. The tasting and eating of different fruits and veggies. They loved this. They got to dip their goods in a honey yougurt sauce and an onion dip. They all did excellent with this! Most of them tried everything. I was really proud of them all for at least trying them. We had strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, celery, cucumbers, Snow peas and carrots. This was a fun tasty snack!
Lucy kindly demonstrated what we were doing for the picture. First you dip and then you eat it. Thanks Lucy for helping with that.
To finish the day off we had story time. All the kids sat or cuddled on the couch and listened. We read the giving tree and chicka chicka boom boom. Then they all got to have play time till the parents showed up.
All in all it was a good day. There were some CRAZY moments for sure. But they are kids, im the newest teacher. Its ok. Im sure it will get a little easier as the weeks/months go on.
On Thursday we are taking our first field trip to the Fire department. It should be a fun day!