“There is no difference between living and learning… it is impossible and misleading and harmful to think of them as being separate.” ~ John Holt

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day #3: Colors

We started out with our welcome tree, then talked about the letter B, and what it means to be Brave. Today’s lesson was on colors so we did some finger play/singing and each child got a color card to hold and discuss. We later cut those cards up and used them for a little art project.

We had play time while I prepared a snack: crackers & colorful sundaes.
Sundaes & Crackers

After snack, the children were quite tame and focused. I read them a story in Spanish about colors and how they mix together. They learned how to say: azul (blue), verde (green), rojo (red), amarillo (yellow), violeta (violet), and anaranjado (orange). Maybe we can somehow integrate that into our future lesson plans?

We practiced mixing the primary colors together with watercolor pencils. 

Watercolor Pencils
While we waited for moms to come, we read “My “b” Sound Box.” They have one for each of the letters in the alphabet so you can check them out at the library for your letter if you’re interested. While I was reading that book, some of the classmates got “cozy" - I had to get a picture of it....

My "b" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure
Post-class dancing to Brite music by Janeen Brady.


  1. SO fun! The two little lovebirds are so cute. :) Mason told me all about school today on the way home. He had sooooo much fun!! Thanks Natalie!

  2. This is all wonderful! What lucky children they are to have such creative and attentive moms! It will be such sweet memories for the children AND moms! Keep up the good work ladies!
    Merlsie (Ethan's grandma)
