First we just played! Usually the kids are so excited to see each other that we just play for 15 minutes. I found it so cute to see them all under our desk together! They are such good friends!
I pulled out all kinds of bags and threw them all over the room. We took turns talking about what they were made out of and what we could use them for.
We debated what type of grocery bag was better...paper or plastic? We tried putting a bunch of things in each bag and seeing which one was easier to carry. Everyone agreed on plastic...until I pulled out Dave's Kettle Bells and filled the bags. Of course the plastic one broke, so paper won. We decided it depended what you were carrying...all the while... all the boys really wanted to do was flex their muscles!
We had a super messy snack, apples with sugar and cinnamon (next time...outside) and peanut butter and honey sandwiches...while I taught about the letter T !
We "Tidied" up the room and then each took a turn tracing my letter "T" and then drawing our own. I was impressed what great "T's" everyone could draw!
Game Time! We played "Friend in the bag"
All the kids closed their eyes and sang "Friend in the bag, Friend in the bag, who is that friend in the bag" meanwhile I chose someone and put the bag on them. The kids loved guessing who it was in the bag!
Then we passed around our secret objects inside our bag (pillowcase) and tried to guess what they were.
Next we used our pillowcases for hopping, jumping, racing and even pretended we were mermaids and the bags were our fins (Lucy insisted and I was surprised none of the boys seemed to mind).
We topped off the day by making hats out of paper grocery bags!
Cute Little Annie
And Ethan's face says it all!
SO fun Wendy!!!